Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Back in the Saddle again...

Finally surfacing after bad health for the past couple of months. I had zero energy, still don't but it's spring break here in Texas so I can do my artsy stuff. I've MISSED it so much!!


  1. Hi Amy,

    I found my way to this blog by clicking a link on your old blog? I hope this message finds you well!

    You had inquired about vintage flowers on my blog to use on the Beautiful Life Journal. The best advice I can give to you is to look at antique shops for vintage hats. If you can find any they often have vintage flowers on them. Another great place to look is etsy or ebay. Search vintage millinery flowers OR vintage hat.

    Here are 2 lovely white roses on Etsy to get you started...

    xo Heather

    p.s.- thanks so much for joining the class! I hope you enjoy making your journal.

  2. you might have to copy that link into the toolbar.... it isn't allowing it to be clickable

  3. oh my gosh, you are going to think I am nuts leaving you 3 comments but I wanted to say in my previous message that I hope you are feeling better! I am sorry to hear you weren't feeling well.
